
Super Directional Speaker in Retails & Markets

Retailers have long faced challenges in implementing audio transmission in their in-store messaging campaigns.

A normal sound could also be considered intrusive for retail customers and employees.


The Audfly audio speakers system can totally change the situation. 

The Pro Audio Audfly system creates targeted audio zones, allowing retailers to add audio content in a selective spot without bleeding to nearby areas. 

Research shows that the enhanced personalized message from directional audio increases genuine attention to the marketed product. 

It has proven to be a much more fruitful marketing campaign.




Besides, Audfly audio system could also act as a part of the move to reduce employees and allow customers the ease of self-service from a store. 

When the portable directional speaker is directed toward a display or product, the sound will seem to originate from the product – ideal for exclusive product promotions.


Audfly directional speaker can be mounted above the shelf of a specific product, or the display inside the store. 

Audfly Model B, R and Audfly Model L are recommended. 




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Application Scenarios of Indoor Directional Speakers - Audfly
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